Dave Green's NSTexam.cls – a LaTeX class file for Tripos exams
(V8.5, 2024/02/01)

NSTexam.cls is a LaTeX class to produce NST Tripos examination papers in the style required by the U of Cambridge. This was converted from the previous style file (.sty) version to a LaTeX2ε class file (.cls) in 2010, with some updated features, and improved font options.

Note: this version, V8.5, is the same as the previous version, V8.4 (from 2020), except that the address of this webpage has been changed.

The required files are:


All the above files are available as either NSTexam.tar.gz or NSTexam.zip.

Several font options are provided by the NSTexam.cls file, which may need additional LaTeX packages (which will have to installed if they are not already available in your LaTeX implementation). Specifically:

(Also available here are some files for a locally customised ‘upright’ maths font, which can optionally be used by NSTexam.cls using the ‘cmmu’ option, if other (better) font options are not available: cmmu10.mf, cmmu10.tfm and omlcmmu.fd.)

The latest Version is 8.5, dated 2024/02/01.

Note: some of the fonts used by newtxmath.sty were revised considerably with Version V1.60 (from 2019 Sep), and there were issues with some later versions, e.g. for \varv. These issues have been fixed with V1.624 (of 2020 Jan 25), and I have fixes for some of the intermediate, broken, versions if needed.

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