This postage Stamp server for the VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey (VLSS, formerly 4MASS ) returns radio images of the sky in FITS or JPEG format, or as a contour plot. For detailed general instructions or information about this survey, see the Help File under "general"; or use the links on the forms for help about each item.
The VLSS survey is being carried out by the NRAO and the Naval Research Lab.
Note: The VLSS survey is not yet complete.
Note: these images will have a relatively high dynamic range which will cause them to appear as white dots on a black background unless the viewer used has suitable control over brightness, contrast and the range of values to be displayed. The "noise" level in these images is about 100 mJy/beam.
Entire 14 x 14 deg fields can be obtained through a simplified form interface. (Reminder: shift-click will generally force your browser to save the requested image to a file rather than displaying it in a text window.)
The FITSview family of FITS image viewers is available for a variety of computer systems. For a short discussion of installing external viewers for FITS files click here.
Publication info.
The (USA) National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is operated by Associated Universities, Inc. and is a Facility of the (USA) National Science Foundation.
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